Assalamualaikum lovelies,

     'An inferiority complex is a lack of self-worth, a doubt and uncertainty, and feelings of not measuring up to society's standards. It is often subconscious, and is thought to drive afflicted individuals to overcompensate, resulting either in spectacular achievement or extreme asocial behavior. The term was coined to indicate a lack of covert self-esteem. For many, it is developed through a combination of genetic personality characteristics and personal experiences.'

yeah, this is what i'm going to write today. aku yakin semua orang ada inferiority complex ini. just depends sama ada its too high, medium or lower. kalau untuk aku, aku punya tahap confidence level ni ikut situasi. contohnya kalau masa tu confidence level aku tinggi, so aku akan jadi over the top punya diva sambil flips2 tudung.. hehehe.. gurau je.. tapi kalau confidence aku di bawah level normal, aku akan rasa akulah manusia paling hodoh, tak cun, tak pandai, gemuk, buruk and segala yang negatif la.. 

pada aku simptom ni biasa kot untuk semua orang but zaman sekarang ni inferiority complex ni depends on society or people around you. i give you example ok. ni based on experience aku sendiri la. 

situation 1 : i were in a society meeting. so dah nama meeting kan, mesti la semua jenis orang ada. ada junior, senior, peers. so there is this one girl, i name her miss R la eh. she is pretty, slim, tall, friendly, rich, has a nice voice and all la.. i were sitting next to her in the meeting so throughout the meeting she is eating, talking, playing with her phone, disturbing other guys and all. i were new in the society so i think, 'oh, dia ni rapat dengan guy senior sebab dah lama kenal kot'. then it turns out that that it is her first meeting. but why she is soo easy going and friendly with everyone.?? i try to talk to her but she is not responding well. hmm.. i dunno why but at that time when i comparing myself with her, my confidence level drop below normal level. i think that people easy to like her because of her nice face and all. she do not want to talk to me because i'm fat, ugly, short.. err.. hahaha.. i know, short minded me.. but yeah, this is nowadays reality.. 

tapi kalau nak di fikir balik, apa ada pada rupa? i mean people memang akan pilih kawan based on rupa or something eh? hmm.. okay la.. 

so this sem i entered a lot of club just to make sure i can get busy.. hehehe.. when i enter a few club, i meet a few seniors la.. so after knew me for some time, so we hang out at the mamak stall. the conversation between us went like this

seniors: alin, cuba lah muka tu senyum sikit.. ni muka garang la, mana la orang tak takut nak dekat.. 
me: dah muka alin lahir memang macam ni, nak buat macam mana.. takkan la alin nak sengih je sepanjang masa, kang bangla tu ingat alin nak ngorat dia.. *muka blur campur tak puas hati*
seniors: err.... *they look at the bangla who takes the order and laughing like crazy*

see. bukan nak puji diri sendiri la but when i get comfortable with someone, my attitude can be awesome-ly funny. hahaha.. well, fyi.. i'm not the kind of person that when we meet for the first time POOFS! You and me become bestfriend. no no no.... i have a high protection towards myself so i need time to be friendly. ok, arasso??  

ada ke muka macam ni *scroll bawah cepat!* dia cakap tak comel?? bhahaha.. 

 habis tu comel nak kene camni ke?

mihmihmih.. melampau la ye kalau nak aku comel macam atas ni. MELAMPAU.  so kesimpulannya, kepada sesiapa yang ada low confidence level tu sila baca baca bawah ni dengan tenang dan berkeyakinan. poyo aku ni. POYO!

kesimpulannya, just be yourself and enjoy life.. err.. i should say that to my own face. bhehehehe.. so lepas ni kalau ada sesiapa yang cakap cik alin gemuk ke, huduh ke, tak comel ke, garang ke, cik alin nak bagi penumbuk je sebab sometimes penumbuk solves everything. hahahaha.. gurau jerrr... i will say, ' at least i do not have narrow minded and dirty heart like you!!' *gaya diva* 



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